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Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence : SENS Donate

11.09.2005 Link

Check out my friend Jan-Willem's blog

My Dutch friend Jan-Willem Bats recently posted an excellent article on his blog about the National Cancer Institute's projects with Nanotechnology seeking actual cures, not just treatments, for cancer... all cancers. He notes that NCI claims it could end cancer by 2015, I think he's right. I won't steal his thunder so go see why he thinks this audacious claim is true!

But stop by the NCI and see this video first and get it straight from the folks that support those working on it directly.

Of course I have posted news articles about NCI's use of nanotech some time ago on the Rejuvenation Engineering News section at the Mprize website. But it is good to know work has progressed since those articles and what were once only hoped for's are now sure of's. Enjoy the empowerment this information provides and share the hope with your loved ones that suffer the insults to life cancer causes. I know I am not going to stop bugging my uncle Carlos until he gets his doctors to put him in touch with someone that can get him involved with the early trials.


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